What is Programming Language?

Programming Language

Programming language is a mode of communication between computers and programmers that basically helps programmers to give a set of instructions to the computer. Programmers use a programming language to get performed particular functions on the computer as well as to design desktop, and mobile applications and websites.

Language is something used to communicate with others through which human beings convey their messages, ideas, and set of instructions and make their meaning understood by others. Therefore a particular language is required so that communication can take place between two people likewise a computer also has its own set of languages that can be understood by computers and programmers. It generally helps programmers/developers to connect with computers to instruct them to perform a particular task and design applications.

Types of Programming Languages

Just like human beings have a variety of languages to connect same as there are lots of programming languages used to design applications as per requirements which are mentioned below:-

1. Low-Level Programming Languages:-

These types of languages are machine-dependent languages that do not require any compiler or interpreter to run their programs. Also, Programs that are written in low-level programming languages run very fast.

Types of low-level programming languages:-

a) Machine Languages:-

This language is presented in the form of binary, there is no need for any converter as it is easily read by the computer.
This language is also known as machine code/Object code. One of the advantages of this language is that its program runs fast compare to high-level languages.

b) Assembly Languages:-

This type of low-level programming language are formed for the particular type of processor and also requires an assembler to convert it into machine language. It instructs in a symbolic and human-understandable form.

2. High-Level Programming Languages:-

These type of languages helps in designing user-friendly applications and websites. High-level programming languages need a compiler/interpreter to translate the program into machine language.

Examples of High-level programming languages are:-

C, C++, PHP, Python, java, JavaScript, Perl, Cobol, Pascal, etc.

Most commonly used Programming Language :

Java –

Although, it is a very popular programming language and a computing platform for application development it was designed in 1995 to have less implementation dependency. Java is fast, secure, and reliable and today more than 3 billion devices run Java.

It consists of three primary components i.e. The Java language, The Java package, and Java virtual machine. It is also widely used for developing Java applications in laptops, data centers, game consoles, scientific supercomputers, cell phones, etc.

Uses of Java language:

  • E-commerce
  • Finance
  • App development

JavaScript –

JavaScript language is also one of the most powerful and flexible programming languages in the world. It is used by many websites for scripting webpages which is one of the main technologies of the World Wide Web i.e. WWW, along with HTML and CSS.

Uses of JavaScript language:

  • Web development
  • Game development
  • Mobile apps
  • Building web servers

Python –

It is an object-oriented scripting computer programming language that is often used to build websites and software, as well as to automate tasks and perform also data analysis. Also, It is the most popular programming language.

Uses of Python language:

  • Back-end development.
  • Data science.
  • Build websites and software.
  • App development.

C –

C programming is a procedural programming language developed by Dennis M. Ritchie in 1972 at Bell Telephone Laboratories to design the Unix operating system. And then it remains too widely used and influential to be used for general-purpose programming.

Uses of C language:

  • Applications that use the graphical user interface.
  • Cloud computing and distributed systems.
  • Computer Games.
  • Integrated software libraries for enterprises.
  • Large-scale server applications.
  • Operating systems such as Windows, Apple – iOS, Unix, Linux, etc.
  • Embedded Systems such as Interfacing programming, hardware programming, and kernel (OS) Programming
  • Databases: MySQL

C++ –

C++ is an improved version of the C programming language which is widely used as the best language for building applications. Which supports both procedural and object-oriented programming paradigms. It develops new programming languages such as C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, etc.

Uses of C++ language:

  • Operating System
  • Graphical user interface
  • Embedded systems
  • Game programming
  • Software engineering,
  • Data structures


PHP is a server scripting language that was created in 1994 by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf. A static website or dynamic website or web application is developed by PHP. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-Processor, formerly used for personal home pages. Although, client computers accessing PHP scripts only need a web browser.

Uses of PHP language:

  • To design interactive web pages.
  • Static Website
  • dynamic website
  • Web Applications

C# –

C# is a programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on the .NET framework. It is also mostly used to develop web apps, desktop apps, mobile apps, games, etc. C# is open source, simple, modern, flexible, and versatile.

Uses of C# language:

  • Game development
  • web applications
  • VR
  • Web services
  • Web sites
  • Mobile applications
  • Desktop applications
  • Web applications
  • Database applications


It is also a programming markup language used to create web pages. It stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML elements label pieces of content such as “this is a title”, “this is a paragraph”, “this is a link”, etc.

Uses of HTML language:

  • Web documents
  • Website development
  • Website maintenance


CSS is a cascading stylesheet language. It describes the look of a document written in a markup language(HTML). It is used to style elements written in a markup language such as HTML. CSS generally describes how HTML elements should be presented on screen, on paper, or in other media. Including colors, layouts, and fonts.

Uses of CSS language:

  • Web documents
  • Website development
  • Website design

Perl –

Perl is an open-source computer programming language that works on a variety of computer operating systems. Text Processing Perl was developed by Larry Wall and runs on various platforms such as Windows, Mac OS, Unix versions, etc. Which means it is cross-platform.

Uses of Perl language:

  • System Administration
  • GUI development
  • Network programming

Ruby –

Ruby is a dynamic computer programming language developed in 1993 by Yukihiro Matsumoto of Japan. This language is also built with a focus on simplicity and productivity which has a natural syntax. It is also easy to read and write.

Uses of Ruby language:

  • Web development
  • Web scraping
  • Data processing
  • Programming projects
  • Automation
  • Command-line tools
  • Static site generation
  • DevOps


Go is an open-source, compiled, and statically typed programming language designed by Google in the year 2007 to make it easy to create simple, reliable, and efficient software. It is also known as Golang and was designed to respond to the heated criticisms against other languages used at Google which focuses on simplicity, reliability, and efficiency.

Uses of Go language:

  • Networking and infrastructure
  • DevOps and site reliability
  • Many Command line tools are written in Go.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
  • Go from micro-controller programming, robotics, and games
  • Cloud-Native Development
  • Distributed Network Services
  • Utilities and Stand-Alone Tools
  • News Outlets
  • Media Platforms
  • On-Demand Services

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