To log in to WhatsApp Web, go to website. Next, open WhatsApp on your phone and go to WhatsApp > Scan Code > Continue > Link a Device > OK.
Sign into WhatsApp Web on Another Phone browser
If you want to use your WhatsApp on another android phone then there is a good news that you can access one WhatsApp account on two devices. For proper sign into WhatsApp Web on Another Phone browser, follow the steps:
- On your primary android phone, open the Whatsapp account.
- Select the three dots shown at top-right corner.
- Click on the linked devices option.
- Tap on the “Link a device” option.
- Scan the QR code displayed on your secondary android phone.
- On your secondary phone, open the
- Scan the QR code displayed on secondary android phone screen.
- Now, you can use the one whatsapp account on both the devices.
How to use WhatsApp Web?
To use Web WhatsApp, you can link your WhatsApp to WhatsApp Web by visiting it on your desktop via the website with very simple steps.
Log in WhatsApp Web
- Go to website in a web browser on desktop.

- Open WhatsApp application in your phone.
- For Android, go to the three-dots at the top right corner of the screen and click on Settings and for iPhone, tap on the Settings icon directly.
- Click on the QR code icon visible on the top right corner of the screen.
- Select Scan Code and scan the QR code.
Note: The QR code displayed on the web page has to be scanned.

- Tap Continue.
- Tap Link a device.
- Then tap OK.

Note: You can now use WhatsApp Web.
After using web WhatsApp if you want to log out your web WhatsApp then you can follow the steps given below.
Log out of Web WhatsApp –
- To log out of Web WhatsApp, tap three dots at top of screen.

- Click on Logout option.